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无锡市普瑞达实验装备有限公司注册资金3200万元,是国内规模较大的实验室装备企业.包括整体规划设计、精细选材、精心生产、精密安装和完善的售后服务为一体,是实验室综合解决方案的提供者。公司已获ISO9001:2008质量认证体系、ISO14001:2004环境体系认证、GB/T28001-2001职业健康体系认证和通风柜通过CE认证(进入欧盟国通行证)。 本公司推崇中西文化相互结合的管理模式,引进欧美先进的生产技术及设备,结合21世纪实验室的要求,开发出一系列与全国同步的高科技实验室设备。产品包括:全木,钢木,铝木,全钢等结构的实验台(实验室家具),通风柜,药品柜,器皿柜,天平台,超净工作台,气瓶柜,废气、废水处理设备以及与实验室配套的相辅设备。其广泛应用于医药,化工,商检,质检,环境监测,电力,自来水厂,污水厂,高等院校,医院,科研单位等行业。主要合作用户有:中国石化、中科院(山西)分院、中国航天科工集团、山东鲁能、江苏沙钢集团、汇源果汁、普利司通、大港油田、杭州市质量技术监督检测院、浙江萧山出入境检验检疫局、临海疾病控制预防中心、诸暨环境监测站、张家港人民医院、扬子江药业集团有限公司、南京大学、浙江大学、东风汽车制造有限公司、上海漕泾电厂(2×100万千瓦超临界机组)等。实验台产品内设计彰显人性化,功能化,全程跟踪服务。为实验操作者带来工作的便利与轻松。 上市公司有:中国石化、山东鲁能、美欣达、华光股份、透平叶片(香港上市)、太钢不锈、中天科技、华菱管线、马钢股份、沙钢股份、杭钢股份、超威动力(香港上市)、国电电力。 我们秉承“科技创新,力求完美”的经营理念,重视科技,重视人才,注重质量,注重信誉,愿与广大客户携手共进,大步迈向国际化,为人类社会的科技进步创造美好的明天。 Wuxi Puruida Laboratory Equipment Co.,Ltd. is specializing in the modernization of the laboratory industry, including the overall planning and design, fine materials, meticulous production, precision installation and perfect after-sales service as a whole is an integrated laboratory solutions provider. The combination of Chinese and Western companies respected management style, the introduction of advanced production technology and equipment, combined with the requirements of the 21st century laboratory, developed a series of sync with the national high-tech laboratory equipment. Products include: All wood, Steel, aluminum wood, steel structures, such as test-bed (laboratory furniture), Fume Hood, medicine cabinets, utensils, counters, space platforms, Clean Benches, cylinder cabinets, wardrobes and more mutually supporting laboratory equipment. Its widely used in pharmaceutical, chemical, commodity inspection, quality inspection, environmental monitoring, power, water plants, sewage plants, colleges and universities, hospitals, research institutes and other industries. Major undertaking unit: China Petrochemical Corporation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Shanxi) Branch, China Aerospace Science and Industry Group, Shandong Luneng Group, Jiangsu Shagang Group, Huiyuan Juice, testing quality and technical supervision of Hangzhou Hospital, Zhejiang Xiaoshan Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Zhangjiagang People's Hospital, Jiangxi Dongfeng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., East China University of Science and Technology, Hubei Dongfeng Motor Co., Ltd., Shanghai Caojing Power Plant (2 × 100 watt supercritical million units) and so on. Makes the human-product of design, functionality, and full tracking service. The operator to bring the work of experimental convenience and easy. Listed companies: China Petrochemical, Shandong, Zhejiang Xinda the United States, medical Berson, Jiangsu Huaguang, Hongda Warp. We are adhering to the "scientific and technological innovation, pursuit of excellence" business philosophy, attention to science and technology, talent, quality, and focus on the credibility of clients ready to work together, big step towards internationalization, for the scientific and technological progress of human society to create a better tomorrow . |
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